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Female Body Parts Liked by Men, Deemed Sexy

 It's undeniable that there's a physical attraction underlying how men perceive women. While it's not the most crucial aspect, it does impact decision-making to some extent.

Rather than focusing on the entirety, most men tend to concentrate on the best aspects of a woman's body, as per Bony to Bombshell. So, which parts of a woman's body do men like? Below is a ranking according to several sources.

Men's Preferences

"Like" is a subjective action. It means that it can significantly differ from one person to another. Nevertheless, survey results from various sources indicate that the following body parts are considered the most appealing to men. However, your preferences might differ, and that's perfectly fine.

Rather than a specific body part, most men generally appreciate women who are strong, fit, and healthy, according to Bony to Bombshell. For instance, a rounded buttock signifies that a woman is diligent about exercising and maintaining her health. Sexiness is perceived as strikingly healthy.

Meanwhile, the online pharmacy Dr. Felix conducted research attempting to rank the most attractive parts of women for American men. The survey, also published by YourTango, focused on the preferences of heterosexual individuals aged 18-65.

In the survey, nearly half of the respondents, about 46 percent, agreed that the face was the most attractive part of a woman. This was followed by the buttocks (18 percent), hair (11 percent), and legs (9 percent). Interestingly, breasts ranked fifth with 8 percent of the total respondents' choices.

Preferred Female Body Parts

Ignoring the order, here are the parts of a woman's body considered attractive by men, along with explanations for why these areas attract their attention:

1. Face

Who can overlook a smile or eye contact when meeting someone? During the first encounter, this often forms the initial impression for men. The face here isn't just about attractive features but also the aura it exudes, as per Panda Gossips. Additionally, lips are a highly tempting sensual point. Implicitly, the face can portray an individual's character, which differs from one person to another.

2. Neck

Slightly lower than the face, the neck is one of the sensitive points in women that men also find appealing. The prominence of the collarbone adorned with interesting accessories can be alluring for men. This can trigger imagination, including how a woman responds when a man tries to kiss, lick, or hold it. Stimulation on the neck can be pleasurable for women and fulfill men's interests—a win-win solution, isn't it?

3. Breasts

Exploring a woman's body can be enjoyable for men. This includes stopping at the prominent point on the chest - the breasts. One reason is that breasts symbolize maternal love and attention. Some may have preferences regarding breast size, while others appreciate it differently. Regardless of size, breasts, especially when adorned with sexy attire, can arouse passion in men.

4. Hips

Body curves are also a significant attraction for men. Apart from breasts, the most prominent curve is seen in the hips. The meeting point between the upper body and legs holds a unique charm for the opposite sex. The small 'V' shape formed by the hips can create an attractive pattern when wearing pants, skirts, bikinis, or any attire, according to Cosmopolitan.

5. Buttocks

Is there any doubt about why men find the buttocks an attractive part of a woman's body? Well, almost all men agree that this part, regardless of its size, has its allure. As a woman, it's not an issue if this area lacks volume like Kim Kardashian's. However, men are more drawn to firm and well-maintained buttocks due to regular exercise.

6. Legs

Almost half of the body has legs, from the lower buttocks to the feet, all providing their own appeal to men. Additionally, legs are a sensitive area for some women. Giving a gentle touch to the legs can be as exhilarating as stimulating the neck. Exploring every inch of the legs isn't just tantalizing for women but also provides satisfaction for men.

7. Vagina

Who can resist the vagina as one of the sexiest points of a woman's body? This area can captivate men, even without direct display. Not just visually, the sensation from the vagina also sparks wild imaginations. The vagina has various appearances, and there's no need to be insecure about color, shape, or any other stigma. The only thing to consider is maintaining its complete health.

Again, the above-mentioned parts of a woman's body that men like may not necessarily resonate with your feelings. Nevertheless, your preferences are valid, and it's entirely okay to have different preferences.